Author: Ashley Nelson

Strange Loop 2016

Today I'm flying to St. Louis for Strange Loop to deliver one of the keynote talks.

For my keynote, I've expanded my talk on the intersection of humanities and technology, doubling its length to include more examples. I've also refined my pitch to value the

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360iDev 2016

In two weeks, I'm giving the keynote talk at this year's 360iDev, held in Denver, Colorado.

For my keynote, I've expanded my talk on the intersection of humanities and technology, nearly doubling its length. This expansion accommodates more examples, and refines my pitch for valuing

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Debug Interview

Earlier this month I was interviewed by Guy English and Rene Ritchie, hosts of the Debug podcast. We discussed: Sound Off, the tech tinkering I did as a kid, how that led to a job at Apple, and being a developer in Apple's ecosystem who

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Live Captioning

Last week I returned home from UIKonf, a conference I spoke at in Berlin, Germany. UIKonf is the first conference I've attended that provided live captioning for physically present attendees. In this context, live captioning meant that a large TV screen was on the side

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On Confidence

This article was originally published in Model View Culture's 2015 Quarterly No. 3

I recently participated in a panel on how to be an effective engineer for Code2040, a nonprofit organization striving to close the achievement gap by providing pathways for minorities to have successful

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