2 min read

Webstock 2017

In February, I spoke at Webstock, a conference that takes place in Wellington, New Zealand. Video from my talk is now available.

I spent two weeks in New Zealand and loved every minute. I'd heard New Zealand is a lovely country - "Have you seen Lord of The Rings?" - but I wasn't prepared for how breathtakingly beautiful it is. At some point I stopped trying to take photos, because nothing accurately captured what I saw with my own two eyes.

During the first week of my trip, I was in Wellington for Webstock. The night before the conference started, the organizers planned a special event to welcome the speakers. I had an incredible time meeting and getting to know the brilliant professionals assembled by the organizers. Seriously, look at the lineup.

The attendees at Webstock were one of the most gracious and thoughtful groups I've had the pleasure of speaking with post-talk, giving a high level of respect for my time and emotions. And best of all, I just felt comfortable in the space. Webstock is the rare tech conference with gender parity, a feat owed to the amazing job of the organizers.

After the conference, I went to the South Island, spending a week driving along the West Coast. The entire experience was an awesome adventure, one I'll cherish forever.

Thank you Webstock for an amazing conference and trip. It was an absolute honor and pleasure to be included.

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