
Leaving Dropbox

Today is my last day at Dropbox.

I joined Dropbox two years ago. At the time, it was incredibly important to me to find the right culture fit. I wanted a team that had women engineers and fostered a collaborative, friendly environment. I’d recently left a startup where I was the only iOS engineer, so most of all I wanted a team with other iOS engineers that I could teach and learn from (read: nerd out with). To my pleasant surprise, I found all of that at Dropbox.

My time at Dropbox has been a tremendous period of growth for me. I’ve done more public speaking, worked on a large codebase with millions of users, and helped to shape how the company prioritizes accessibility moving forward. In short, I've had an amazing two years.

I’m leaving Dropbox to ensure that I continue to challenge myself. One day I want to lead the technical implementation of a venture I co-found. In order to get there, I need to fill the gaps that exist in my experience. The two most important areas I want to grow in are building a product from scratch, and providing technical leadership to a team of engineers. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be starting at Glassbreakers on March 1st. Glassbreakers doesn’t currently have a mobile app, and I’m looking forward to bringing a product from idea to market.

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