Author: Ashley Nelson

1 Article, 2 Podcasts

A brief synopsis of what I've been up to lately...

I wrote a story about Dropbox's code review process for the iOS at Scale issue of I've previously written about how great a resource is for iOS developers, so it was

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On Heroes

Recently, someone multiple generations ahead of me and well respected in Silicon Valley told me that I’m a pioneer. The implication was that I’m the first to look like I do and do what I do professionally. That I’m creating a new

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On Recruiting

Every technology company laments the difficulty of finding great software engineering talent. The problem is ostensibly that the demand for quality developers dramatically exceeds the supply. In other words, the perception is technology companies would hire every great coder - if only they could find

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Speaking in 2015

I’m excited to announce my first two speaking engagements of 2015, happening in April and May. In April, I’ll be in Québec speaking at NSNorth. In May, I’ll be in Austin speaking at CocoaConf.

Tickets for both conferences are available now!

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On Apple & Software Quality

This week, a number of smart tech bloggers have been pontificating on the state of Apple's software quality. Respectfully, I'm not worried...yet. I'm betting the fix is already in place.

As a developer on Apple's platform, I know a ton of smart people work

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